Weekend with french movies


Weekend with french movie

4. - 7.4.2024

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Coup de chance

Fanny and Jean have everything of the ideal couple: fulfilled in their professional life, they live in a magnificent apartment in the beautiful districts of Paris and seem to be in love as on the first day. But when Fanny crosses, by chance, Alain, a former high school friend, she is immediately capsized. They see each other again very quickly and get closer and closer. Show more

2D CS 12
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Bernadette expected to finally get the position she deserved when she arrived to the Elysée Palace because she had always worked behind her husband's back to elect him president. She took revenge by becoming a major media figure. Show more

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Well Done!

When Mr. Blake turns up at the Domaine de Beauvillier estate, everyone – the manor itself, along with its owner and staff – are all just as badly off as he is! But unlike Mr. Blake, who has come to this familiar abode merely to collect his thoughts, the other protagonists are in the throes of tackling their respective personal problems. The arrival of this very British guest acts as a trigger, spurring them back to life, “taming” them and prompting them to start working together to restore the manor’s former beauty and revive their individual quests. The result will be a new lease of life for the Beauvillier estate and each and every one of them living on it. Show more

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A boy, bruised by life, finds his salvation through the love of his dogs. Show more

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Ella a černý jaguár

Dobrodružný příběh o přátelství dívky Elly a divokého černého jaguára ze samotného srdce amazonského deštného pralesa. Jako malá holka našla Ella v džungli ztracené kotě jaguára. Pouto, které pak mezi nimi vzniklo, se už nedá přetrhnout. Po letech se znovu setkají a musí spolu v Amazonii čelit nebezpečným lovcům a pašerákům zvěře. Černý jaguár je pro ně ta nejcennější trofej. Ella vyrůstá v amazonském pralese, kde její táta pracuje jako lékař. Jednoho dne najde ztracené mládě vzácného černého jaguára a ujme se ho. Mezi ní a Hope, jak černé koťátko pojmenuje, vzniká silné pouto. Když je Elle šest, zasáhne do jejího života tragická událost a musí se přestěhovat do New Yorku. Ani tisíce kilometrů a osmileté odloučení ale nedokážou přetrhat pouto, které mezi dívkou a divokou šelmou vzniklo. Když se po letech Ella dozví, že místu, kde si jako malá hrála, hrozí zánik a Hope je ve smrtelném nebezpečí, neváhá ani minutu a rozhodne se do Amazonie vrátit. Za dramatických okolností se v džungli opravdu znovu s Hope setká, a přestože ji Ella od dětství neviděla, divoká šelma si na jejich pouto vzpomene. Radost ze setkání je ale krátká. Na stopu se jim dostanou lovci a pašeráci zvířat, kterým je lepší se do cesty neplést. Černý jaguár je pro ně totiž mimořádně cenný úlovek! Přátelství Elly a jaguára je teprve začátek pro velké a napínavé dobrodružství, v němž se budou muset postavit silnějším a mocnějším. Show more

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A Difficult Year

When Albert and Bruno, both compulsive spenders and in debt up to their necks, turn to community workers to get a grip on their lives, they run into a group of young green activists. Lured by the free beer and crisps rather than by the ideals of these eco-activists, Albert and Bruno find themselves joining the movement without much conviction. Show more

2D CS 12
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The Taste of Things

1885. Peerless cook Eugenie has worked for the famous gourmet Dodin for the last 20 years. As time went by, the practice of gastronomy and mutual admiration turned into a romantic relationship. Their association gives rise to dishes, one more delicious than the next, that confound even the world’s most illustrious chefs. But Eugenie is fond of her freedom and has never wanted to marry Dodin. So, he decides to do something he has never done before: cook for her. Show more

2D CS 12
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Bernadette expected to finally get the position she deserved when she arrived to the Elysée Palace because she had always worked behind her husband's back to elect him president. She took revenge by becoming a major media figure. Show more

2D CS 12
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Coup de chance

Fanny and Jean have everything of the ideal couple: fulfilled in their professional life, they live in a magnificent apartment in the beautiful districts of Paris and seem to be in love as on the first day. But when Fanny crosses, by chance, Alain, a former high school friend, she is immediately capsized. They see each other again very quickly and get closer and closer. Show more

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The Book of Wonders

Thelma is devastated when Louis, her 12-year-old son, falls into a deep coma after an accident. When she discovers his “end-of-the-world bucket list” she realizes how adventurous and creative Louis is. With the hope of bringing her son back, she decides to fulfill herself all of his wishes… From Japan to Portugal, Thelma embarks on an adventure which gives her new reasons to live for, to reconnect with her son… and herself. Show more

2D CS 12

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