And Still I Sing

And Still I Sing

Director:Fazila Amiri
Premiere:26. March 2023
Length:90 minutes

Director: Fazila Amiri

Neither the well-meaning advice of their own families nor anonymous death threats can deter them from their passion for music and singing. Withstanding hate-fuelled personal attacks is becoming increasingly difficult for the singers during the closely watched TV competition. Their role model is juror Aryana Sayeed, who has been actively fighting for women’s rights in Afghanistan since her return to her homeland in 2011. However, the popular singer only goes out in public incognito. With the withdrawal of allied troops from the country, she fears that art and culture will fall out of favour, and women will once again lose the rights they have achieved in this conservative country over the past two decades.

Tickets available at:

Length: 90 min

Year: 2022
Local premiere date: 26. March 2023
World premiere date: 26. March 2023

Country of origin:

  • Canada

Director: Fazila Amiri

Neither the well-meaning advice of their own families nor anonymous death threats can deter them from their passion for music and singing. Withstanding hate-fuelled personal attacks is becoming increasingly difficult for the singers during the closely watched TV competition. Their role model is juror Aryana Sayeed, who has been actively fighting for women’s rights in Afghanistan since her return to her homeland in 2011. However, the popular singer only goes out in public incognito. With the withdrawal of allied troops from the country, she fears that art and culture will fall out of favour, and women will once again lose the rights they have achieved in this conservative country over the past two decades.

Tickets available at:

Year: 2022
Local premiere date: 26. March 2023
World premiere date: 26. March 2023

Country of origin:

  • Canada