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Le Comte de Monte-Cristo- Cz subt

One of the greatest epic tales of love, betrayal and the quest for revenge comes to life on the big screen. Marseille, 1815. Edmond Dantes, a young ship's officer, is having the happiest time of his life. He is about to become a captain and finally marry the love of his life, the beautiful Mercedes. But his success arouses the jealousy of many. Edmond becomes the victim of an insidious plan. From one day to the next, he is imprisoned without trial in the dungeon of Fort If, with no hope of release. The only one Edmond can talk to is Abbé Faria, a prisoner in the next dungeon. The Abbé becomes Edmond's friend and mentor. Before his death, the Abbé confides in him the secret of the lost treasure. After fourteen long years of suffering, despair and hopelessness, Edmond manages to escape and find the treasure hidden on the island of Monte Cristo. All Edmond Dantes wants is a reckoning with all those who betrayed him. Now, armed with a vast fortune, he sets out without mercy on a journey of revenge... Show more

2D CS 12
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The Edge of the Blade

Paris, 1887. Duels have been officially outlawed but are still regular practice. For many, they are the only way to defend their honor. Fencing master Clément Lacaze tries in vain to prevent his nephew from engaging in an uneven duel with the more experienced Colonel Berchère. Marie-Rose Astié de Valsayre, a feminist fighting for women's equality, tries to show that honor is not just a male affair. Show more

2D CS/ES CS 12

29. 7. Monday

169,00 13:00
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Fly Me to the Moon

Starring Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum, Take Me to the Moon is a comedy that gives viewers a behind-the-scenes look at NASA in the lead-up to the historic moon landing. Ensuring the success of the entire mission is already challenging enough, and as a result, the head of ground control for the mission, Cole Davis (Tatum), has his hands full. However, marketing wizard Kelly Jones (Johansson) arrives on the scene, having been tasked by higher-ups to correct the public's not-so-favourable opinion of the entire space agency. Subsequently, the President of the United States decides that the entire mission is too important to allow for its potential failure. Jones is then given the task of staging a mock landing as a "backup solution", of course. And the countdown is on... Show more


2. 8. Friday

169,00 13:00
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Zápisník alkoholičky

Nový celovečerní film Zápisník alkoholičky vypráví dramatický příběh mladé ženy bojující se závislostí na alkoholu. Hlavní hrdinkou (byť se jako hrdinka mnohdy nepůsobí) je mladá maminka, která se rozhodla nevzdat, nastoupit léčbu a bojovat se svým démonem i o svou rodinu. Jak těžké je si problém s pitím přiznat? Proč není překážkou závislosti ani malé dítě? Kde vzít sílu se léčit a co následuje poté? Na tyto a mnohé další otázky odpovídá autentická a upřímná filmová zpověď abstinující alkoholičky. Show more

2D OR 12

5. 8. Monday

169,00 13:00
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Hrabě Monte Christo

Na velkém plátně ožívá jeden z největších epických příběhů o lásce, zradě a cestě za odplatou. Marseille, 1815. Mladý lodní důstojník Edmond Dantes zažívá nejšťastnější obdobní svého života. Má se stát kapitánem a konečně se oženit s láskou svého života, krásnou Mercedes. Jeho úspěch ale u mnohých vzbuzuje žárlivost. Edmond se stává obětí zákeřného plánu. Ze dne na den je bez soudu uvězněn v kobce pevnosti If, bez naděje na propuštění. Jediný, s kým může Edmond mluvit, je Abbé Faria, vězeň z vedlejší kobky. Abbé se stává Edmondovým přítelem a učitelem. Před smrtí mu Abbé svěří tajemství o ztraceném pokladu. Po dlouhých čtrnácti letech utrpení, zoufalství a beznaděje se Edmondovi podaří uprchnout a najít poklad ukrytý na ostrově Monte Christo. Jediné, po čem Edmond Dantes touží, je zúčtovat se všemi, kteří ho zradili. Nyní, vyzbrojen obrovským majetkem, se bez slitování vydává na cestu pomsty… Show more

2D CV 12

9. 8. Friday

169,00 13:00
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Love Lies Bleeding

Late 80s, arid American backwater. Lonely gym operator Lou (Kristen Stewart) falls head over heels in love with Jackie (Katy O'Brian), a buff bodybuilder on her way to win a championship in Las Vegas. Passionate love and German steroids infuse the central pair with a huge dose of energy. In an uncontrolled haze, they go to their demonic father Lou (Ed Harris) to avenge old wrongs once and for all. Director Rose Glass electrified Sundance and the Berlinale with an irresistibly subversive thriller that will get your heart rate up and endorphins flowing. Show more

2D English version with Czech subtitles 12
2DEnglish version with Czech subtitles

12. 8. Monday

169,00 13:00
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Zahradníkův rok

Na úpatí malebného kopečku žije zahradník (Oldřich Kaiser) se svojí ženou, kteří se starají o své malé zahradnictví. Jejich idylický život je narušen, když se na nedalekém zámku chystá usadit nový majitel, který chce přetvořit krajinu podle svých představ. Když zahradnictví brání jeho plánům, spustí se sled bizarních událostí. Nový majitel nejprve vytvoří plot s žiletkovým drátem a zavře příjezdovou cestu. Postupně přidává ve svých činech na intenzitě, aby dosáhl svých cílů. Zahradník se však nevzdává a snaží se bránit svůj domov. Když se policie i starostka postupně utopí ve své vlastní byrokracií, zahradník se rozhodně vzít osud do vlastních rukou. Nový film Jiřího Havelky, balancující na hraně bizáru, absurdna a tragikomedie je inspirován skutečným příběhem a stejnojmenným literárním dílem od Karla Čapka. Show more

2D OR 12

16. 8. Friday

169,00 13:00
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Leonardo: Works

Leonardo da Vinci is acclaimed as the world’s favourite artist. Many TV shows and feature films have showcased this extraordinary genius but often not examined closely enough is the most crucial element of all: his art. Leonardo’s peerless paintings and drawings will be the focus of Leonardo: The Works, as EXHIBITION ON SCREEN presents every single attributed painting, in Ultra HD quality, never seen before on the big screen. Key works include The Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, Lady with an Ermine, Ginevra de’ Benci, Madonna Litta, Virgin of the Rocks, and more than a dozen others. This film also looks afresh at Leonardo’s life – his inventiveness, his sculptural skills, his military foresight and his ability to navigate the treacherous politics of the day – through the prism of his art. To be released on the 500th anniversary of his death, this is the definitive film about Leonardo: the first to truly tell the whole story. Show more


18. 8. Sunday

250,00 16:30
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Bad Actor

During the filming of the movie, actress Sandra accuses her actor colleague Daniel of raping her during a love scene. Daniel claims he is innocent, but Sandra decides to press charges while the production tries to prevent the incident from becoming a scandal. A polished, insightful and suspenseful drama set in a post #MeToo context about consensus, the search for truth and justice in sexual abuse cases. Up-and-coming Mexican actors Sandra Navarro (Fiona Palmo) and Daniel Zavala (Alfonso Dosal) star together in a new film from a prestigious director. Their chemistry works well together, and from their friendly dialogue during prep in the makeup room, they seem to be on the same page for the upcoming intimate scene that awaits them - even joking about whether they'll shoot it "for real." The scene is being filmed and the director suddenly notices a subtle change in Sandra's expression. It's only when the crew leaves the set that Sandra confides what happened to her, accusing Daniel of rape and sparking the inevitable and acrimonious confrontation. Daniel is furious and claims his innocence, while the film's producers try to mitigate the consequences and prevent the incident from turning into a scandal. A provocative and highly topical film by writer and director Jorge Cuchí, which excels in its gripping thriller pacing. It is both a penetrating examination of consensus and truth in the post #MeToo era and a shocking look at how justice is served in the face of social media. Show more

2D CS 15

19. 8. Monday

169,00 13:00
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Zápisník alkoholičky

Nový celovečerní film Zápisník alkoholičky vypráví dramatický příběh mladé ženy bojující se závislostí na alkoholu. Hlavní hrdinkou (byť se jako hrdinka mnohdy nepůsobí) je mladá maminka, která se rozhodla nevzdat, nastoupit léčbu a bojovat se svým démonem i o svou rodinu. Jak těžké je si problém s pitím přiznat? Proč není překážkou závislosti ani malé dítě? Kde vzít sílu se léčit a co následuje poté? Na tyto a mnohé další otázky odpovídá autentická a upřímná filmová zpověď abstinující alkoholičky. Show more

2D OR 12

23. 8. Friday

169,00 13:00
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Julie von Heinz's heart-warming film follows the journey of Ruth (Lena Dunham) and her father (Stephen Fry) into 1990s Poland, leading to the discovery of unexpected treasures. Newly divorced thirty-something Ruth (Lena Dunham) and her father Edek (Stephen Fry) travel from New York to 1990s Poland in search of their family roots. While she struggles to understand the plight of her Jewish ancestors, the flamboyant and free-spirited Edek sabotages her efforts and does things his own way. Against the backdrop of the gloomy post-revolutionary Polish towns, a colourful journey opens up, full of amusing encounters but also unspoken emotions and mutual understanding. Julia von Heinz's delicate film shows that even a seemingly failed trip can lead to the discovery of unexpected treasures. Show more

2D CS 12

26. 8. Monday

169,00 13:00
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The first-ever feature film adaptation of a Colleen Hoover novel, It's Over for Us tells the remarkable story of Lily Bloom (Blake Lively), a woman who manages to deal with childhood trauma to start a new life in Boston and attempt to fulfill a lifelong entrepreneurial dream. A chance encounter with charming neurosurgeon Ryle Kincaid (Justin Baldoni) awakens very intense emotions in both of them. But despite the deep love they both feel for each other, Lily begins to notice certain things about Ryle that remind her of her parents' relationship. When her first love, Atlas Corrigan (Brandon Sklenar), suddenly re-enters Lily's life, her relationship with Ryle is disrupted and Lily realizes that she must learn to rely on her own strength and make impossible choices for her future. Show more


30. 8. Friday

169,00 13:00

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