Palác Lucerna Europa Cinemas

Lucerna Cinema                                                                                 

Mezipatra QFF 2024

Queer filmový festival, za kterým stojí občanská sdružení Mezipatra a STUD Brno, letos oslaví jubilejních 25 let od založení. Publiku už tradičně představí desítky českých a zahraničních snímků s LGBTQ+ tématy v několika kategoriích, jako je hlavní soutěž celovečerních filmů, dokumentární sekce nebo divácky oblíbené kraťasy.


Nedílnou součástí programu jsou setkání a diskuze s tvůrci a tvůrkyněmi, přednášky a workshopy nejen pro lidi z filmového průmyslu, a samozřejmě i festivalové party. Pražská část festivalu proběhne od 7. do 14. listopadu 2024, poté se Mezipatra přesunou do Brna, kde poběží od 15. do 22. listopadu.


Téma letošního ročníku, „Queer osvobozuje“, povzbuzuje diváky a divačky k tomu, aby se odvážili překročit hranice společenských škatulek, předsudků a stereotypů. Aby se nechali inspirovat filmy, které zkoumají a posouvají fluiditu genderu a sexuality. Aby společně oslavili rozmanitost lidských zkušeností i filmových žánrů – a především všechno to, co nás spojuje.



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Small Miracles

Maybe it feels like everything’s going to the dogs. Maybe your ex calls, asking for help with a new relationship. Maybe you have to confront your parents about your identity and face the deeply ingrained prejudices. Or maybe you return to places reminding you of old wounds. And yet – you still somehow know, deep down, that in the end, everything will be okay. Show more

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All Shall Be Well

Pat and Angie’s home suddenly feels barren and empty. After Pat dies, the cozy rooms where the women spent happy decades together become the center of a dispute between her life partner and her grieving biological family. Angie is left to cope not only with the loss of her most beloved one but also with the cold world around her which lacks even an ounce of understanding. With exceptional honesty and an eye for detail, this heartfelt Hong Kong film follows a tragic yet remarkably universal story of lost, forbidden love that is denied respect and dignity in the eyes of conservative values and political systems. And yet, in the right moment, it still manages to bring an empathetic smile to your face. Directed by the experienced Hong Kong director Ray Yeung, this drama featured in the prestigious Panorama competition at Berlinale where it won a Teddy Award. Show more

2D CS/ES 12
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All the Gays in the World

Constantly hiding from someone is exhausting... So let's not bother with it! We can draw inspiration from the Hawaiian natives fighting against white settlers. Or we could visit boys spending the night together in a single sleeping bag in the Czech countryside. One thing is clear anywhere, though: we won’t achieve true happiness by burying our heads in the sand. Show more


12. 11. Tuesday

160,00 17:45
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After he’s released from a juvie, eighteen-year-old Wellington finds himself in the middle of the busy São Paulo – with no family support, no money, and no clue what to do next. His situation changes when he meets Ronaldo, an older guy who makes his living as a sex worker. While the inexperienced Wellington is trying to figure out his place in the world of adults, Ronaldo’s already got his tried and tested ways to keep afloat. A peculiar bond develops between the men, something much more complicated than just mere love. But will it be enough for them to be happy? Marcelo Caetano’s second film examines the numerous layers of human relationships and the struggles of underprivileged queer people who often need to resort to illegal activities to survive. Baby premiered in Cannes' Semaine de la Critique, snagging the Louis Roederer Foundation Award for rising stars, and later won the Best Latino American Film Award at the San Sebastian International Film Festival. Show more

2D CS/ES 18

12. 11. Tuesday

160,00 20:30
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That's a real bargain, Phil!

Is your life too mediocre? A boring job, boring school, boring people... The everyday dullness is seeping into your soul, and you don’t know how to go on? Stop! This block of weird shorts is for you! For the price of one film, you’ll get not two, not three, but as many as five films that will change your outlook on life forever! And they’re even weirder than this description, are you in? Show more


13. 11. Wednesday

160,00 17:45
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Yoseli has a tattoo of the Eiffel Tower on her back and she’s always dreamed of travelling. But her dreams evaporated when she was arrested for drug smuggling at the airport. She ended up in a women’s prison, just like Nacho, who, despite their gender identity, had to form their dream rock band behind bars. They’ve served their sentences and now, they are re-enacting real stories from their past together with a motley group of former fellow inmates. In the ruins of a former prison in Buenos Aires, they dance and sing with abandon, using fantasy to build a new future for themselves, free of fear or prejudice. In this energetic film, director Lola Arias redefines the musical genre, and her imaginative approach, detailed and refined scenography, and playful acting will enchant even the most hardened musical naysayers. The film’s success is demonstrated by its world premiere at Berlinale, the award for the Best Latino Queer Film at San Sebastián, and two awards from Thessaloniki. Show more

2D CS/ES 12

13. 11. Wednesday

160,00 19:00

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